Foodie says we've been making pancakes wrong – but people call method 'criminal'

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There's nothing that starts your day right quite like a good and delicious breakfast - but one new morning treat has divided food lovers.

It comes as a new pancake trend has gone viral recently. While many have been loving the new hack, others have been left with their stomachs churning. One of the first people to share the trends is popular online cook Archived Chef, who revealed how she makes her unique pancakes on her TikTok page @archivedchef.

In the post, which scooped 20 million views, she said: "Don't take this the wrong way, but you’ve been making pancakes wrong your whole life."

The chef can be seen turning her pancake mix into scrambled pancakes - much like the popular scrambled eggs. She added: "Just scramble them like you would scramble eggs. It's so much easier." She could be seen dividing up the batter into small bite-sized pieces, which safe to say do look very much like scrambled eggs.

She served the scrambled pancakes with powdered sugar, and added blueberries, a dollop of cream, and syrup. Showing off the final product, the cooking lover said: "As you can see it looks much better than regular pancakes wood. Tell me that does no look good."

However the chef did regret adding so many toppings to her dish. After the video was posted, it quickly became a trend on TikTok, with a number of users on the platform trying out the new pancake-making method. However many were not convinced. "Scrambling pancakes is wild," said one.

"This is a crime," added another. "I would never disrespect pancakes in that way," added another.

But some rate the breakfast treat, as it is a delicacy in a number of countries. One individual said: "In Slovenia this is called Smoren and it's sooo good... but the batter is a little different from the pancake one."

Another wrote: "Try kaiserschmarren I beg you. It's an Austrian dish and it kind of looks like that but is superior to pancakes, I swear."

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